Thank goodness the holidays are over! Much as you love the little darlings, admit it they can be exhausting! Now it's time to make space for you. If you are feeling exhausted by the excesses of the kids energy and keeping them entertained over the summer holidays, turn to honey for a natural 'pick me up'… 

Honey is a natural source of energy. It contains unrefined sugars and carbohydrates which are easily absorbed by the body, providing an instant energy boost with long-lasting effects. So if you haven't got the energy to make it through the day, spread some delicious honey on piping hot toast for breakfast, or replace the sugar in your tea with honey for a kick start that will keep you going right to bedtime. 

As well as being a delicious spread, honey is renowned for its healing properties. If you are feeling a little run down now that the summer is over, honey can help to relieve the symptoms of coughs, colds, sore throats and 'flu. 

We all know that kids are accident prone, but did you know that honey is a mild antiseptic too and can help to keep external wounds, such as cuts and minor burns, clean and free from infection? By absorbing the moisture from around the wound, honey can help prevent the growth of bacteria. 

Yet another use for honey is as a pampering beauty product. Honey is one of the oldest natural cosmetics known to man. It attracts dirt away from the pores, which combined with its natural antiseptic properties make it an ideal cleansing agent. And it is a favourite of the stars. Madonna is just one of the many celebrities who extols the virtues of honey. She recently told a journalist that she "smothers her face in honey and relaxes in a bath for twenty minutes to keep her skin looking young and soft." You may not be the only one lacking from energy. If the kids are finding it hard being back at school, give them some honey sandwiches for tea as a way of making sure they have enough energy to do their homework.

So if you know what's good for you, head down to your nearest supermarket or health food shop where you will find a huge range of honey from speciality to blends. Make sure the cupboard is well stocked, you never know when you might need it!

Honey - mother's little helper, naturally!